Inpatient: My 2nd & 3rd Go & Spiteful Healing

Hey all! 🙂 It has definitely been awhile, hasn’t it? This past year has been one for the books for sure. I had two different posts planned and partly researched but, decided that this one needed to come first. The stigma behind inpatient care is very strong and I need to answer some questions about … More Inpatient: My 2nd & 3rd Go & Spiteful Healing

Perinatal Depression

What better time to have your emotions change than when your hormones are already going crazy? Perinatal (meaning: before and after the birth of a child) Depression is a type of mood disorder. It affects women during pregnancy and after childbirth. There are rare cases where the mother and the baby is at risk. Included … More Perinatal Depression

In Honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide is a hard topic to talk about. It isn’t something you start off a conversation with. Suicide does not discriminate. Not between genders or ethnicities. Not between ages or religion. It doesn’t discriminate between who is most successful or not. This is a topic we need to be more open to talking about. People … More In Honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Bipolar Breakdown: Bipolar Depression (Yes, There is a Difference)

Bipolar Depression. In bipolar disorder, you don’t really know which pole is more evil. Bipolar depression is essentially like major depressive disorder. The only difference is is that when you have major depressive disorder, you are very down for awhile and you don’t feel the ups of mania. Bipolar depression, you may be low for … More Bipolar Breakdown: Bipolar Depression (Yes, There is a Difference)